"I have found a kernel of wheat," said the Little Red Hen.
"Now who will help me plant this wheat? Where is that lazy dog? Where is that lazy cat? Where is that lazy mouse?"
"Wait a minute. Hold everything. You can't tell your story right here. This is the endpaper. The book hasn't even started yet."
"Who are you? Will you help me plant the wheat?"
"I'm Jack. I'm the narrator. And no, I can't help you lant the wheat. I'm a very busy guy trying to put a book together. Now why don't you just disappear for a few pages. I'll call when I need you."
"But who will help me tell my story? Who will help me draw a picture of the wheat? Who will help me spell 'the wheat'?"
"Listen Hen---forget the wheat. Here come the Title Page!"

Always follow the sinky cheese man to the next page

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