Classical Jazz '05




The Diversity Theme is:

"Each one of us is wonderful; together we are diverse and strong. Help make NA a place where everyone knows they belong."

Who are you? Please tell us about you thoughts on not only who you are, but how you can show through video who you are.  

What resources will you use?  

I AM.......that is the statement we are asking the subjects of our movie portraits to complete. It will begin to reveal who they are beyond the first impression. What else will we learn about them?....and how? What other questions can we ask them? What else can be included in the movie portrait that will show and tell who they are? How might we shape, edit and highlight the material to best portray them and our theme of the power of diversity and unity? Please share your ideas and answers to these challenges below.


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Bob Tozier Artist: Bob Tozier
School: North Allegheny

 This Google Doc is where we can post our thoughts:


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