Classical Jazz '05



What you do with it is entirely up to you.

Evaluation of a music piece

Entry Dated: 2009-09-24 04:23:23
I evaluated the piece "The Unsen Video". I found It very calming and unique. There isn't much of a Rising point, climax, or slow drop off but I think its better that way. It somewhat differs a little bit during the middle of the song though. I feel that the video matched perfectly with the audio because its style was just simple and heartfelt. The way this piece was put together made me want more of it, such as the story behing it and why they put things together in the way they did. I enjoy this video and song so I decided to add this song to my myspace page. It sounds a little corny but now I know I can listen to it whenever I feel like it.

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Period: Period 03
Activity: DigitalMidi



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