Classical Jazz '05



What you do with it is entirely up to you.

Master Photographer: Edward Weston

Entry Dated: 2012-04-15 08:26:06

Edward Weston emphasized abstract form with a sharp resolution of detail. He wanted his photos to render the very substance of the object itself. Weston is all about textures as he captured in close-ups of seashells, peppers and cabbage. He had a habit of setting his lense to f/64 to secure maximum image sharpness of the foreground and distance and bringing out the rich textures of their sculpture-like forms.


I took my photos inside in black and white and used white and black backgrounds to bring out the texture of the objects. I experiemented with a variety of lighting to bring out the form of the objects. I also used a variety of shutterspeeds for maximum sharpness. I am shooting close to each object to capture the distinct textures of the objects. My goal with this assignment is to showcase ordinary objects in sculpture form. 

Period: Period 06/07
Activity: Master Photographer




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