Classical Jazz '05



What you do with it is entirely up to you.

¡Yo Soy Laura !


This is who I am. I have 2 submissions.

This is my Portfolio.

Composition 3
Notes: So. for the third composition, we had to make little melodies and 'trade' them.  When I got mine, I had no idea what to do with it.  I put it into Garageband and decided I would use that instead of Finale.  After that, I played around with the melody and made everything into Lunar Strings which really didn't work out, and neither did the idea of having my composition be a Fugue.  Running out of time and ideas, I changed the instruments to a different kind of strings called 'Bright Arco Strings' and changed the other parts to 'Orchestral Harp' and 'Orchestral Bass Section.'  After playing around with those I changed parts and messed around, looking and listening for anything that sounded well enough to kepp in my composition.  After changing the instruments and even changing what type of musical style (I decided to change it to ABA form) I feel like this is definitely the best composition I have made so far.  It's kind of long being three minutes and eight or so seconds, but I feel really good about all of the hard work I've done.  Everytime my composing has gotten better, and I am just waiting to see how my 4th composition is going to be!
  Format: audio
Laura the Space Explorer
Notes: Just a composition.  I used outerspace as my theme.
  Format: audio

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