Classical Jazz '05



What you do with it is entirely up to you.

¡Yo Soy Kevin !


This is who I am. I have 3 submissions.

This is my Portfolio.

African Composition
Notes: I was glad to be able to choose any culture as opposed to being limited to our own.  This is my African folk song.  The chord progression is simple, but I tried to make the percussion more complex.  Also, I used African instrumentation for most of the song, like African Marimbas for example.  The fade out ending was actually a great suggestion by one of my friends.  
  Format: audio
Composition #1
Notes: This composition was the first time I have ever used Garage Band.  I started out with a simple melody that I manipulated and enhanced as the piece continued.  Then, near the middle point of the song, the piece changed from minor to major; from here, the piece slowly builds up in sound and instrumentation until the climax.  Then the music cooled down and ended in a quiet, simple piano melody.  
  Format: audio
Untitled on 3/17/11 at 12:04:16 PM
Notes: This is a clip from Black Hawk Down, a film about the US intervention in Somalia.  Hans Zimmer scored the movie and may have influenced my "score."
  Format: quicktime

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