Classical Jazz '05



What you do with it is entirely up to you.

¡Yo Soy Emmaline !


This is who I am. I have 2 submissions.

This is my Portfolio.

Tozier's First love Tozier's First love

 This is my peice. I keot hearing Mr.Tozier talking about star wars. So I kept thinking of mandolorians and they are the best. So yeah I made a wallpaper of them. I wanted to keep the comic book feeking so I used a few filters. 

ps: Justin says and I quote "Better than Krista" 

  Format: image
His House is Full of Pizza

Shared project between Morgan Linn and Emmaline Lattner- Lane.

We found that any other more serious idea was neither as fun nor as easy, so we put something silly together instead. 

  Format: quicktime

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